
Samuel Paty

Friday, October 30th, 2020

“Depuis la cour de la Sorbonne, lieu historique de l’enseignement universitaire français, le président de la République Emmanuel Macron a rendu un hommage national au professeur Samuel Paty.” Publié le 21 octobre 2020 Translation by Google A religious fundamentalist assassinated Samuel Paty for sharing satirical cartoons with his class. Satirical expression is an essential feature […]

Treasures of Arles

Tuesday, March 12th, 2019

DuBois in Paris 1900

Saturday, October 28th, 2017

Incredible story of scholarship and activism. “Since he became the first African American to receive a doctorate from Harvard, Du Bois had amassed a formidable set of statistics on the socioeconomic plight of black people in America in the decades since the transition from enslavement to freedom. But Du Bois had one pressing problem: How […]

La Mappa mundi d’Albi

Saturday, October 28th, 2017

This map is an incredible document.  I can’t wait to see it with own eyes on day. “La carte a été conservée dans la bibliothèque du chapitre cathédral tout au long du Moyen-Âge, où elle a été utilisée régulièrement. Entre le XIIe et le XVIIIe siècle, peu d’éléments sur l’histoire de ce document subsistent. On […]

Coupe du monde de la boulangerie

Monday, May 23rd, 2016

“Pour son feuilleton hebdomadaire, France 2 a suivi l’équipe de France des boulangers, qui tente de décrocher le titre mondial.” “Déborah, boulangère dans la région de Strasbourg (Alsace) prépare la Coupe du monde depuis trois ans.” “L’équipe hollandaise, qui ouvre la compétition, a huit heures pour réaliser plus de 300 produits. Une viennoiserie surprise doit […]

“How do we move forward? in Syria”

Monday, November 16th, 2015

“Strangely today you are touting that Obama has been wanting to go to war when mostly he has said that he is going to get us out of it. How about we move on and not just continue the political spin? “   Actually, what I have said is President Obama has continued to wage […]

Pan Seared Duck Breast

Saturday, March 21st, 2015

European grocery stores have a much wider range of meats than American stores.  This wonderful duck breast was prepackaged and obviously not a luxury item.   I bought this beauty at the Monoprix.    

Beaufort Cheese

Sunday, January 25th, 2015

The Savory region of France is world renowned for its “savory” cheese.  The mountainous  landscape provided few opportunities for cereal production but was ideal for dairy farming. In Chamonix I bought a Beaufort (€ 17.75) at a local grocery store and used it to make a white wine cheese sauce.  It served as a side […]