Abraham Lincoln
States’ Rights Deception
Thursday, September 23rd, 2021Big Government conservatives like to hide behind the slogan States’ Rights. They want you to believe they are standing up for you against the mean federal government. They have relied on this deception since the beginning of the Republic. Southern planters knew America’s revolutionary rhetoric threatened their vast wealth and power. The Declaration of Independence […]
“your white soldiers will be lost to you”
Wednesday, May 12th, 2021January 8, 1865 Confederate Major-General Howell Cobb wrote to James A. Seddon, CSA Secretary of War. Cobb objected to Robert E. Lee’s proposal to use slaves as Confederate soldiers. The CSA simply lacked the free man power to continue its war of Southern Aggression. Cobb’s objection was simple: “The day you make soldiers of them […]
Moments of Clarity.
Friday, March 13th, 2020Moments of crisis are also moments of clarity. The very same politicians who scream prolife to get elected are now telling us to focus on profits, not saving lives. The very same politicians who scream get the government away from businesses are now throwing money at banksters faster than they can light it on fire. […]
My Presidents vs Not My Presidents
Friday, August 18th, 2017Since people have a hard time understanding honor, let me offer this. Not all men are perfect. We know this. The question is simple: “Did they move America forward, or did they try to take it back?” I honor the men and women who made us a “more perfect union,” not the men and women […]
Lincoln won the election of 1860
Tuesday, July 28th, 2015Why did the Slave states rebell? Abraham Lincoln won the election of 1860. What upset them about losing the election? What did Lincoln say? We know he didn’t do anything as President because the slave states seceded BEFORE he was inaugurated? What did they fear? Read Lincoln’s own words from 1859. We must not disturb […]