« Previous EntriesThe Christian Vocation
Friday, May 24th, 2024If you are a Christian, Jesus told you your “vocation.” It does not matter if you are a man or a woman, an American or a Mexican, a worker or a CEO, straight or gay. Your actions speak louder than words. Your behavior shows what you believe, not the Church you attend. You can have […]
Liberty and Justice for All
Thursday, April 27th, 2023The Pledge of Allegiance ends with six memorable words: “With Liberty and Justice for All.” As we say these words, we are setting a standard for our own behavior. We will fight for liberty and justice for all. These are very powerful words also embody my Christian faith. On numerous occasions, priests and Pharisees tried […]
Life and Death in Texas
Wednesday, October 19th, 2022Texas Republicans want you to prepare for the next schools shooting. Greg Abbott is sending school children home with fingerprint and DNA kits. Abbott wants to make it easier for you to identify your child’s dead body. Republicans have controlled Texas Government for the past two decades. They have cut taxes for millionaires and billionaires. […]
Solutions, Not Fear
Thursday, September 29th, 2022Conservatives politicians make two promises. They promise that government can’t work when they are elected. They promise to run government like their personal business. Why are we surprised when things turn out good for them and their friends but bad for us? Conservative politicians are on television complaining about everybody else except themselves. They have […]
I’m Staying
Thursday, June 23rd, 2022I love to travel. I inherited this love from my parents. Dad’s service in the United States’ Army opened a world to me. Our three years living in Germany had the most impact. Weekends and holidays in Germany were an adventure. The Churches and the castles overflowed with history. The natural history museums literally had […]
Freeing State Power
Wednesday, May 4th, 2022After the Second World War, the United States Supreme Court has been following a single star. Individual liberty is stronger than state power. Millions of Americans from all walks of life had risked their lives, and the nation honored their service with individual liberty. The new conservative Supreme Court is on the verge of empowering […]
Science over Superstition
Thursday, January 20th, 2022Just over a year ago, I took a call from my cardiologist, Nikhil Joshi. My general practitioner had referred me to this heart specialist because I had a couple of unexplained fainting spells. I thought that I was healthy, but I still decided listened to my doctor. This recommendation was his second referral. In the […]
Yes, I’m a Feminist
Friday, September 10th, 2021In 1862 the United Kingdom’s Parliament passed the first in a series of Contagious Disease Acts. The Members of Parliament considered sexually transmitted diseases a matter of national security. The MPs believed prostitutes spread the disease to the Armed Forces and weakened them. The Acts specifically targeted suspected prostitutes, not the soldiers, sailors, or marines. […]
Vaccines are Pro Life
Thursday, July 1st, 2021Since February, the United States of America has been making steady progress in the fight against Covid 19. Public safety measures such as mask wearing and physical distancing slowed the spread of the virus. We bought time for the development of several vaccines. The vaccines are highly safe and effective. Government and private researchers worked […]
Trust is a Life Skill
Thursday, January 7th, 2021Not all life skills are the same. Some are more important than others. One essential skill is learning to tell the difference between fact and fiction. We have to learn who is telling the truth and who is lying to us. If we don’t learn this skill, life can become pretty miserable. This week I […]
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