
Trump Has the Reich Stuff

Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024

The Trump campaign propelled discussions of NAZIs into the news again.  It released a video with a fake newspaper reporting a fictional Trump landslide and the future “creation of a unified Reich.” Overtly mimicking NAZI language is essential to Donald Trump’s appeal. Many Americans don’t want to face this reality. What then is a NAZI?  […]

Big Government Conservatives Take Back Rights

Thursday, April 7th, 2022

Supreme Court nominee Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson has fought her way past big government conservatives.  She is on her way to confirmation to sit on the highest court in America.  Her story is a story of America. As conservative Senators questioned her, both inside and outside the committee room, they revealed how far back they […]

Yes, I’m a Feminist

Friday, September 10th, 2021

In 1862 the United Kingdom’s Parliament passed the first in a series of Contagious Disease Acts.  The Members of Parliament considered sexually transmitted diseases a matter of national security.  The MPs believed prostitutes spread the disease to the Armed Forces and weakened them. The Acts specifically targeted suspected prostitutes, not the soldiers, sailors, or marines.  […]