John Cornyn

Shut Down This Circus

Thursday, October 22nd, 2020

Like a Carnival Barker, Donald Trump is a master of exaggeration and misrepresentation.  It is a great quality for someone trying to sell a lie.  It is a horrible quality for a public servant. In the closing days of the campaign Donald is selling a whooper.  We’ve “rounded the corner” on Covid 19.  We may […]

Healthcare Peril

Thursday, October 1st, 2020

If we learned anything over the last 7 months, it is that Donald Trump would make a horrible healthcare provider.  Imagine asking him if you had cancer.  Donald would lie to keep you from panicking.  Contrary to the fact that quick treatment could save your life.  Covid 19 has killed more than 200,000 Americans. Who […]

Donald's Deadly Lies

Thursday, September 17th, 2020

Donald’s chaos is producing predictable results.  Every day he stirs the pot.  His chaos makes it difficult to save American lives and jobs.  On February 7, 2020, Donald privately confessed the truth to Bob Woodward.  His confession was recorded for the entire world to hear. “It goes through air Bob. You know, the touch, you […]

Conservatives Wasted Our Summer

Thursday, July 23rd, 2020

Conservative conspiracy theories have wasted our summer. Our summer was supposed to be a time to regroup and refresh.  All of the other Western European countries used the summer to heal their communities.   Western Europeans followed the advice of scientists and doctors. They shut down large gatherings. They implemented large-scale Covid 19 testing. They mandated […]

Conservative Apocalypse

Thursday, July 16th, 2020

Apocalypse means “to lift the veil.”   In an Apocalypse you can see behind the curtain.  Covid 19 has been an Apocalypse for conservatives.  Their reactions have shown us who they are and what they value. In May, Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick said, “No one reached out to me and said, ‘As a senior citizen, […]