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Trump Has the Reich Stuff

Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024

The Trump campaign propelled discussions of NAZIs into the news again.  It released a video with a fake newspaper reporting a fictional Trump landslide and the future “creation of a unified Reich.” Overtly mimicking NAZI language is essential to Donald Trump’s appeal. Many Americans don’t want to face this reality. What then is a NAZI?  […]

Civil War and Reconstruction

Sunday, January 7th, 2024

It seems there is a fundamental lack of knowledge about the American Civil War and Reconstruction. *Why did the relationship breakdown? Slave owners wanted the right to EXPAND slavery. US voters elected Lincoln because he promised to stop the EXPANSION of slavery. *Why did most of the Slave states attack the USA? They were the […]

Conservative Ideology Is A Debt Problem

Thursday, May 18th, 2023

For the first hundred years of American history, there was one cause of public debt: war.  The United States of America started in debt, and it paid its bills.  There wasn’t another spike in debt to Gross Domestic Product ratio until the American Civil War. At this point, you might ask what is the debt […]

If I Had A Hammer

Thursday, May 11th, 2023

Have you ever heard the saying, “When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail”?  I’ve heard it all my life.  It served me as one of those wise sayings: use the right tool for a job. My dad would certainly agree.  He would get so angry when we used a pair […]

Gun Safety

Thursday, March 30th, 2023

On March 27, 2023 a shooter blasted their way into Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee.  In a matter of minutes the shooter killed three nine year old children and three adults.  Armed with two military style assault rifles the shooter then took up a sniper position on the second floor and ambushed the police. Somebody […]

A Free and Independent Press

Thursday, March 9th, 2023

On February 27, 1968, Walter Cronkite changed history. Cronkite was a household name by that time. During the 40s, 50s and 60s, he covered everything from Second World War to the Olympics.  Cronkite gained the trust of the American people by telling the truth. As the host of the CBS Evening News, Cronkite told the […]

There Is No Freedom Without Public Education

Thursday, February 2nd, 2023

The authors of the Texas Constitution supported public education.  They wrote: “A general diffusion of knowledge being essential to the preservation of the liberties and rights of the people, it shall be the duty of the Legislature of the State to establish and make suitable provision for the support and maintenance of an efficient system […]

One of These Things

Thursday, January 26th, 2023

As a child, and as a parent, I’ve watched enough Sesame Street to have its images and songs drilled into my head.  One of the most useful is the categorization song: “one of these things is not like the other.”  It prompts a child to do a quick compare and contrast. Comparing and contrasting is […]

Deceitful Donald

Thursday, November 17th, 2022

At the beginning of the Second Gulf War, Vice President Dick Cheney confidently told us that American troops would be greeted as liberators.  We know that was a lie.  Like the Weapons of Mass Destruction lie, the Bush Administration told it to avoid facing reality. These lies were deadly and costly.  When the last American […]

Life and Death in Texas

Wednesday, October 19th, 2022

Texas Republicans want you to prepare for the next schools shooting.  Greg Abbott is sending school children home with fingerprint and DNA kits.  Abbott wants to make it easier for you to identify your child’s dead body. Republicans have controlled Texas Government for the past two decades.  They have cut taxes for millionaires and billionaires.  […]

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